Miss Emotin 1108

9 min read

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fishebone's avatar
Miss Emotin  1108 by SheduMaster
Shedu pedigree certificate [SPC]: Gold by Templado

Miss Emotin 1108 || Light built, normal mane, Spartan Line

  efrain 25 x bahati 18  || brown with belly roan, partial dom white, cheetah carrier, Jaguar [0]
  award - show + placing || entry

   Silk Hair Brush here - used for SPC
          Shedu Fish Treats here - used for SPC
          Special diamond collar here

Inborn stats
Str[25] Int[22] Sta[20] Spe[28] Mov[25] Sur[21] Agl[18] Con[12] Tra[9] Tem[5]

Stats with Bonus' Added
Str[25] Int[22] Sta[20] Spe[29] Mov[25] Sur[21] Agl[19] Con[12] Tra[9] Tem[5]

Bonus added:
  50 pts: 1 speed, 1 agility
  100 pts: 
  150 pts:

Total: 80

Misc art, partial: 0,5 art points

Misc art, full: 1 art points : 3
Emo Wips by fishebone

Partial, colored: 1 art points : 

Full body, simple: 2 art points: 6
Emo Groom Training by fishebone  early morning freedom by fishebone

Full body, painterly: 4 art points: 4 x 3 : 12
beach time by fishebone  fire in the sky by fishebone  the speed by fishebone

Background, regular: add 2 art points to base score: 4
Emo Groom Training by fishebone

Background, detailed: add 4 art points to base score: 4 x 4 : 16
beach time by fishebone  fire in the sky by fishebone  the speed by fishebone  early morning freedom by fishebone
Training: add 2 art points to base score: 4
Emo Groom Training by fishebone  

Show Entry: add 3 art points to base score: 9
fire in the sky by fishebone  the speed by fishebone  early morning freedom by fishebone

Art Feature in group: add 10 art points to base score

Literature: 1pt for 250 words: 26
Thieves Bearing Gifts    Simone leaned over on the couch, careful not to wake Liya, and nudged Caihong with his shoulder. She looked up, shaken from her thoughts, and stared at him. The look he gave her, and nod to the TV said enough. “Sorry, I’ll watch the movie.” He smiled at her and shook his head. “No, I’m fine, Si. I’m just… just tired.”
    He gave her a small smile and turned the movie off. “Did the movie end?” Liya stirred and looked around. “It did end, didn’t it?”
    “No, I’m going to bed, Liya, and you fell asleep.” Caihong told the fae. Liya yawned and sank back against Simone’s should.
    “Oh… okay, night.” Caihong chuckled and retreated to her room.  
    Owl leaned over the back of the couch, swirling a pen in her hand and grinned down at Liya and Simone. “Hey, Si,”
 1461 words, 5
Why Is My Alarm Clock PurringKrrrr-krrr-krrr-krrr….
Caihong rolled and pressed her pillow to her ear, folding it over her head to do so. What was making that awful sound? She’d already eliminated the alarm clock, quite literally, which lay in pieces on the floor from her attempt to grab it and turn it off. Her cell phone was never on vibrate. It was either turned on and loud, or turned completely off. So what was doing it?
Something heavy moved up her leg, sliding and pressing hard against her. Cai shrieked and flung the pillow off of her head, scrambling up against the headboard to get away from it; whatever it was. A fat, black, red and white ball of fluff perched on fat, fluffy balls right where her legs had been. Orange disks opened and stared at her and the noise grew louder.
“Are you… purring?” She asked the furry ball. A long, poofy… something swung back and forth behind the puff-bal
 2924 words, 11
The VetThe vets office was quiet, almost serene. A single bird squawked periodically, and verbally protested the enormous cubs. The protests hadn’t started until Emo tried to use the scratching-post style stand for herself, and then attempted to climb up to the bird. That had been a full five minutes of shrieking bird, hissing cub and laughing people- except the receptionist who apparently owned said bird. She kept casting dark glares to Emo, soothing the ruffled feathers of her colorful pet as she did so.
Simone simply shrugged and relaxed in the waiting chair, holding Emo in his lap this time. Caihong smiled and stroked Summanus’ head and neck as the fluffy, massive cub curled in her lap and purred. Finally the vet called for them to come back. “You have Shedu’s listed as why you’re in here,” the vet never looked up from the paperwork on his clipboard.
“That’s right,” Caihong told him, setting Summanus down on the cold counter. Emo wrigg
 ( 2524 words, 10 pts )
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